The Senior Traffic Commissioner and the Road Haulage Association are in agreement that as of 2018 there is a shortage of 45,000 lorry drivers.
It is therefore an excellent time to enter the LGV industry as a new driver!
Unlike other companies, we believe honesty is the best policy and for that reason we will not tell you that we guarantee you a job because that is a myth.
There is no such thing as a guranteed job just like there is no such thing as a guaranteed pass.
But what we can guarantee you is an excellent standard of training, help with writing a professional CV if you need it and guidance in your new career in the LGV industry.

Work in the LGV industry

LGV Driver CPC

In order to use your LGV licence for hire and reward - in other words, to earn money working as a driver - you need to acquire a Certificate of Professional Competence.
If you got your car licence after January 1997, you need to complete a CPC Initial which is made of two parts: a theory test also known as a Case Study or Module 2 and a Practical Demonstration also known as a Show me, Tell me or Module 4.
The most time efficient way is to book the CPC course alongside your LGV, so both theories can be done together (the LGV theory stands for Module 1) and same for the practical (the LGV practical driving course is also called Module 3).
After you've been qualified as a LGV driver for 5 years (and every 5 years after), you will need to refresh your CPC by attending a 5 days classroom course (no tests involved) called a CPC Periodics.
If you got your car licence before 1997, you can skip the CPC Initial stage but you do need to complete the CPC Periodics straight away.